Repetitive Books: The PERFECT Home Activity For Apraxia Of Speech

Books are often used as a treatment tool in speech and language therapy.  But, there is one particular category of books that are highly recommended and beneficial for our little ones with childhood apraxia of speech. So if you have a kiddo with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), or suspected apraxia of speech, keep reading! Continue reading

How To Set Expectations With Your Child

After sharing articles on how to help your little one manage anxiety on social media, I was asked about what exactly an expectation chart looks like and to explain that further. If you missed those articles you can get them here: Part 1: How To Strategically Manage Anxiety Part 2: Strategies for Managing Anxiety Let’s Continue reading

7 Tips For Easier Transitions

Oftentimes, kiddos who have little-to-no language and/or who struggle with sensory challenges also struggle with transitions. That said, many children regardless of these factors struggle with transitions. So what does this look like? A transition takes place anytime your child is expected to move from one activity to another. They are hardest when your little Continue reading