Should I let my child suck their thumb? 3 Myth’s you need to be aware of now.

The first question I always ask is, how old is your child? Children learn to suck their thumb in utero and some will continue to suck their thumb to soothe themselves outside the womb as well. My own daughter did this and I have a sonogram video in utero and another video in her first Continue reading

When Was The Last Time Your Child’s Hearing Was Checked?

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery (AAO), “three million children under the age of 18 have some hearing loss including four out of every thousand newborns.” While that may not sound like much, it is quite an astounding number! Especially since it is directly related to delays in speech Continue reading

How To Set Expectations With Your Child

After sharing articles on how to help your little one manage anxiety on social media, I was asked about what exactly an expectation chart looks like and to explain that further. If you missed those articles you can get them here: Part 1: How To Strategically Manage Anxiety Part 2: Strategies for Managing Anxiety Let’s Continue reading