When was the last time you took an airplane somewhere? How about with your child with autism? So many parents are fearful of taking their child on an airplane and putting them through the airport and air travel experience. Rightly so… Think about it. It is a new experience. Lots of people. New and loud Continue reading
Speech Language Pathology
Don’t let others limit your child with autism
What message have you been told (eh hem…lied to) about your child or children in general, that have autism? Have you been told they will never speak? Never ride a bike? Never play a sport? No two children are the same and many are ABLE. At times, they just need to be taught how to Continue reading
Making the Summer Transition Easier
Here are some tips that you can put in place TODAY! to make your transition from the school year into summer easier. If you are already on summer break and having a hard time getting your kiddo transitioned into summer, you can hit “redo” and implement many of these tips! If you are not yet Continue reading
When Was The Last Time Your Child’s Hearing Was Checked?
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery (AAO), “three million children under the age of 18 have some hearing loss including four out of every thousand newborns.” While that may not sound like much, it is quite an astounding number! Especially since it is directly related to delays in speech Continue reading
Which Autism Diagnosis Does Your Child Have?
You wait months on a waiting list to get your child into the local university or medical clinic for an assessment. You suspect autism but you need an official diagnosis. You feel all kinds of emotions when the long assessment comes to an end and you are told that your child does in fact fall on Continue reading
10 Tips To Communicate With Your Nonverbal Child With Autism
There is a well-known quote that speaks to the fact that just because a child cannot physically speak, it does not mean that they do not have anything to say. This is SO true. As a pediatric speech language pathologist, specializing in working with children and families living with autism, I have seen many children Continue reading
Are SLPs Worth Their Fees?
Absolutely. Two of the greatest pleasures in life are communicating with others to get your wants and needs met and eating, especially in a social setting for many. What does an SLP do? Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP’s) are highly-trained professionals who evaluate and treat children and adults who have difficulty with speech, language (including pragmatic-language/social skills), Continue reading
12 Signs Of Sensory Overload
Does your child have meltdowns? Have you been told to look for the “triggers” so you can tell when a meltdown may be approaching before it actually arrives? If you have no idea how to do this, you are not alone. Professionals tend to give great advice but speak to parents as if they are Continue reading
National Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month!
April is National Autism Awareness month. There are many organizations out there that raise funds and spread the message of awareness, but one of my favorites is the Autism Society, who also promotes autism acceptance, inclusion and more. Since 1965, the Autism Society has made it their mission to “make it a better world” for Continue reading
“Without a voice, people only see my autism and not me”
Dillon’s Path and Dillon’s Voice were both released by Apple in an effort to share their own Autism awareness & acceptance campaign this April. Of course, they are promoting the use of apple products as communication devices, but as a speech-language pathologist, I 100% support this (and no, I do not earn anything by sharing Continue reading