Holiday Gifts That Promote Language Development in Your Preschooler By Hallie Bulkin The best way to work on speech, language and social skills in the preschool population is through play. If you have been following my blog posts you will notice a trend where I have shared some of my favorites toys, books and Continue reading
Speech Language Pathology
Fall & Thanksgiving Speech & Language Activities
Fall & Thanksgiving Speech & Language Activities By Hallie Bulkin One of the best ways to teach a child a new skill is to center it around a fun activity. Most preschool children will not sit at a table and complete “drill” work. So the alternative is to find a relevant theme and make Continue reading
Halloween Speech & Language Activities
HALLOWEEN ACTIVITIES By Hallie Bulkin Fall is here and the countdown to Halloween is on! This is one of my favorite times of year as there are so many fun Halloween themed activities to play with and books to read to the children! I have included some of my favorite here for you to Continue reading
Transitioning Into The School Year
Transitioning Into The School Year By Hallie Bulkin Even though some of us are already two weeks into the new school year and set into our September schedules this is still considered a time of transition. The transition from summer activities into the school year is a transition for both you AND your kids! Continue reading
Is My Child Ready For Kindergarten?
Is My Child Ready For Kindergarten? By Hallie Bulkin As we buy school supplies and new Fall clothing, there is one common question that weighs heavy on the hearts of many soon-to-be kindergarten parents: “Is my child ready for Kindergarten?” If you are asking yourself this question, glance over the following skill areas that Kindergarten-bound Continue reading
Is Your Child Therapized?
Is Your Child Therapized? By Hallie Bulkin Has your child ever done or said something followed by you thinking to yourself, “WOW where did they learn THAT?” And then…you realize…they learned it from YOU? One common example is when your child picks up an object or a fake phone, puts it to their ear, and Continue reading
Dogs For Autism
Dogs For Autism By Hallie Bulkin Well the little guy you see in the top of this post is Coby, our new puppy 🙂 He is not a service dog and I do not plan to give him up (sorry guys!) even though he is sitting here trying to knaw on my favorite blanket!! But Continue reading
Teaching Young Children Pronouns
Teaching Young Children Pronouns By Hallie Bulkin The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) explains that a pronoun REFERS to a noun or TAKES THE PLACE OF that noun. Well that would be a bit of tricky way to explain pronouns to a 3-year-old, huh? So instead, we just pick the pronouns we want to Continue reading
It’s All About The Choices
It’s All About The Choices By Hallie Bulkin I have another tool in my Speech Pathology “tool kit” that I want to share with you today. This is one of the biggest tools I use with every child I work with be it in therapy or just in general. This tool is no secret. In Continue reading
Why Does My Child Line Up Cars?
Why Does My Child Line Up Cars? By Hallie Bulkin Does your child line up cars, trucks, and other toys? I’m talking, each item, lined up, like they are sitting in traffic on a one lane road with no where to go! And have they been doing this for months? Do they do anything else Continue reading