4 Tips for Choosing the Best Books to Read to Preschoolers

4 Tips for Choosing the Best Books to Read to Preschoolers By Hallie Bulkin There are so many wonderful children’s books available these days.  This is why it is important to have a strategy to pick amongst the many available options! So how do you choose amongst the sea of children’s books? You narrow it Continue reading

The #1 question I get asked (hint: its related to the iPad)…

What’s that…oh, your iPad? By Hallie Bulkin As I go into many of my clients homes and private preschools I am continuously asked about one thing….repeatedly…over the past 3 months. This one thing is completely unrelated to speech and language. That said, I wanted to blog about “it” because I get asked about “it” everywhere Continue reading

5 Ways a Speech Language Pathologist Can Make Your Preschoolers Life Better!

5 Ways a Speech Language Pathologist Can Make Your Preschoolers Life Better! By Hallie Bulkin Many parents and even professionals assume that speech language pathologists (SLPs) just work on correcting a child’s speech. This is such a small piece of the puzzle. We treat articulation, speech intelligibility, receptive and expressive language, social communication/pragmatics, use of Continue reading

Mooo, Baaaa, LaLaLa…Said the Speech Therapist

Mooo, Baaaa, LaLaLa…Said the Speech Therapist By Hallie Bulkin I was just having a conversation with our fabulous intern, Lauren, this morning about animals and animal sounds being such a basis of early language intervention. Yes, young children love animals and their accompanying sounds but there are reasons as to why I can be heard Continue reading