Theme of the Month
Book of the Week
By Rod Campbell
Color of the Week
There may only be one instance of Pink in the book BUT…
If it is spring where you are located you may be starting
To see pink outside in the blooming flowers.
If it’s too early for that, go on a search
for pink toys in your home!
Song/Nursery Rhyme of the Week
Oh, I went to the Zoo!
Oh I went to the zoo, And what did I see?
I saw a great big tiger, Lookin’ at me
He went Raaar, raaar He went Raaar, raaar
He went Raaaar raaar raar, And that’s what he said to me!
Oh I went to the zoo, And what did I see?
I saw a great big monkey, Lookin’ at me
He went Ooo-ooo-o Ooo-ooo-o, He went Ooo-ooo-o Ooo-ooo-o
He went Ooo-ooo-o Ooo-ooo-o, And that’s what she said to me!
Continue with other animals from the story and their sounds!
(from Everythingpreschool)
Letter of the Week
Z for Zoo
“Every letter makes a sound, Z says Zzz!”
(like the Zzzz in buzzzz)
Snack of the Week
Make it easy and have animal crackers!
See if your little one can name each animal.
Art Project of the Week
Make a lion!
All you need is a paper plate, markers and scissors!
Color the lions face (yellow?)
on the inside circle of the back side of the plate.
Then color the ridge around the outside of the plate, (orange?)
Next, draw the cat nose/mouth and eyes.
Decorate the rest as your child pleases.
When done you can cut slits into the lion mane to make it 3D!
Field Trip of the Week
One of my favorite places: Take a trip to the Zoo.
Take the book with you and try to find
Each of the animals in the book, in your zoo!
App of the Week
FREE: Animals Zoo
Learn animals, their sounds and more!
We are here to serve YOU! Hop on over to our Facebook page and share your favorite toddler apps with us!
Have fun with the Zoo theme this week!