Shining A Light On Autism

I got an email from Autism Speaks with some “facts” on autism that they encouraged me to share. So I am sharing this information so that you can forward it on to others. It is SO important for us to continue to educate others. If we don’t do it, who will? Be sure to share this post so we can pass along this information and help make the world a better more accepting place.

  • Early identification, diagnosis and intervention can make a significant difference. Autism can be reliably diagnosed by age 2. Yet, the average age of diagnosis is between ages 4 – 5. That’s why raising awareness and understanding the signs of autism are so important. The earlier we can recognize the signs of autism and get support for our loved ones on the spectrum, the better outcomes they will experience throughout their lives.
  • Everyone has their own unique experience with autism. Autism is a spectrum condition, meaning it affects people in many different ways and in varying degrees. To ensure everyone receives the care and supports they deserve, we must provide the scientific community with tools that will enable them to discover personalized treatments. Autism Speaks is committed to this effort through our groundbreaking MSSNG genomics program, which will lead to a better understanding of autism and new ways to treat its symptoms.
  • Autism is a lifelong condition. In fact, each year 50,000 children with autism transition to adulthood. Many of them are capable of going on to meaningful employment and living on their own. But they need more employment opportunities and housing and residential supports. There are organizations (such as Autism Speaks) that continue to work with public and private partners to ensure people with autism successfully transition to adulthood.
  • Acceptance is the answer. Together we can make a difference in the lives of people with autism by accepting their many gifts and recognizing the challenges they can face. Autism currently affects 1 in 68 people according to some reports and as many as 1 in 50 according to others — regardless of the number, these are our loved ones, friends and neighbors. We owe it to them in April, and every other day of the year, to make the world a more understanding and accepting place. So let’s make it our goal in April (and year round) to shine a global spotlight on autism!

Who’s with me?

With Love,
Hallie Bulkin