How I Start Each Year…

Reflecting on 2015…

Every year I take some time to reflect on the previous year before deciding what I want the coming year to look like. Do you do this? I actually start this is December…reflecting on how the prior 11 months went for my family, business, health goals and more. If you don’t but want to, you still can! We are only one week into the new year and the reality is you can set goals at ANY time.

Think about it. Chances are if you are reading this you are a parent of a child with various goals at school and in private therapies. Or maybe you are a therapist or teacher who sets goals for kiddos you work with on a regular basis. Regardless, goals are my LIFE! Are they yours?

The truth is…even if I wasn’t a therapist I would still be a goal setter and a list maker. I LOVE to cross things off a list (seriously, I add things to my list just to cross them off!). Setting goals and breaking them down into bite sized pieces is my jam (mmm…this makes me think of bite size twix, which I can’t eat since I am dairy free with Lily and since I cut out sugar for the next 21 days to see how my body responds…helllloooo craving LOL!). <— sorry, ADD moment, hehe. Speaking of which, one of my goals last year was to contribute to sites where I can help more parents of children with autism and ADD/ADHD. I happily achieved that goal…here are some of my more recent articles I contributed to other publications:

  • My experience with ADHD/ADD on additude mag
  • Tips for surviving the holidays with your child with autism and sensory processing disorder
  • My experience with being a business owner working with children with special needs and going on maternity leave:

2015 was a great year overall. I achieved most of my goals I set and it was a successful year overall!

SO What Will 2016 Bring?!?!

This year I have set some hefty goals (I am going to take over the world…okay not really, but if you saw Lily’s recent picture and the way she holds her hands together, sometimes it cues the pinky and the brain song…please tell me you understand that reference! LOL). Anyways, one of my goals in 2016 is to help YOU in TWO big ways. The first is to create virtual trainings that will help YOU advocate for your child and get them the services they both need and deserve (I am SOOO excited about this…check back soon, this will be rolled out in the next few weeks). The second way I will help you this year is through a monthly inner circle.

The inner circle will be for parents who want to help their child succeed at home, in school, and/or out in public. We will touch on topics like how to communicate with your nonverbal child, how to help your child express their emotions, how to get your child’s needs met in school, how to trouble shoot potty training with your child, how to keep your wandering child SAFE…and MUCH MUCH MORE! If this is something that interests you, sign up here to be the first to know when registration for the inner circle opens up. This will help secure your spot NOW! 

I cannot WAIT for an awesome 2016. Ya ready? I know I am…let’s do this together!

With Love,