FREE Little Sprout Book Club


Welcome to our FREE Little Sprout Book Club! With the school year starting, I went back through my books (which are all organized by preschool-based themes) and I felt myself missing the days that I organized my therapy sessions by “themed units” inline with the public school preschool education program (“PEP”).

I decided to reinstate this in my private practice with my private clients…and with YOU!

And that is how the Little Sprouts Book Club was born! Here are the 5 W’s to explain what our PEP inspired book club is all about!

WHAT: A FREE virtual book club with a monthly theme and a different book each week. You will be given simple but awesome ideas; including, but not limited to: tips and strategies to increase speech and language skills in ALL preschool aged children, how to read the book with a language focus and follow up activities (art projects, recipes to cook, etc) to have lot of fun with each book!

WHO: You and your child(ren). All kids welcome (typically developing or not).

WHERE: Your home!

WHEN: Go at your own pace! Every Sunday you will receive a book of the week with activities. At the beginning of the month you will receive the 4 books that we will focus on for the month so you can order or borrow your books in advance.

WHY: There is SO much you can do with ONE book. Let me show you how much fun you can have and how much your child can learn from one book a week, related to one theme a month!

We are here to serve you and cannot wait to get started! If you have any questions, would like to share your book ideas, thoughts and/or ideas…feel free to join us and share over on the Little Sprout Speech Facebook page or via email with our Client Care!

Can’t wait to start reading together. Look for your FIRST email on SUNDAY! In the meantime you can sign up here.

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