5 Ways a Speech Language Pathologist Can Make Your Preschoolers Life Better!

5 Ways a Speech Language Pathologist Can Make Your Preschoolers Life Better! By Hallie Bulkin Many parents and even professionals assume that speech language pathologists (SLPs) just work on correcting a child’s speech. This is such a small piece of the puzzle. We treat articulation, speech intelligibility, receptive and expressive language, social communication/pragmatics, use of Continue reading

Mooo, Baaaa, LaLaLa…Said the Speech Therapist

Mooo, Baaaa, LaLaLa…Said the Speech Therapist By Hallie Bulkin I was just having a conversation with our fabulous intern, Lauren, this morning about animals and animal sounds being such a basis of early language intervention. Yes, young children love animals and their accompanying sounds but there are reasons as to why I can be heard Continue reading

Part 2: Strategies for Managing Anxiety

Strategies for Managing Anxiety By Hallie Bulkin And we’re back with part 2 of our series on strategies for managing anxiety. If you missed part 1, you can go back and read it here: Part 1. How to Strategically Manage Anxiety. My goal in Part 1 was to share a personal experience and set up Continue reading