If you have followed our site for some time now, then you know that I have a love for everything apple, especially the iPad and helpful apps! I have used so many apps successfully in therapy and with families and kiddos to develop speech and language skills, to create control over little kiddos worlds through schedules and picture communication, to increase a child’s love for letters, letter sounds, books and reading and much much more!
Apps are powerful when used educationally and/or to help a child cope on a day-to-day basis.
So today I share with you a few apps that may make your life easier and as a result happier! Let’s check them out:
iTouchiLearn Life Skills: Morning Routines for Preschool Kids
The first 7 routines are free after you’ve downloaded the app. Get more info on this awesome app here: iTouchiLearn Life Skills
Swackett®: The Visual Weather Report
This awesome app creates independence as you can check the weather in the morning and plan your clothing appropriately for the day. Giving even your young child this “job” can create independence and a sense of control over your child’s world and morning routine.
Get it here: Swackett
I have recommended this one before and I will recommend it again!
Choiceworks is a FABULOUS schedule app. You can make your own morning schedule/morning routine (and nighttime routines, etc can also be created in here). Having this electronically makes it easy to update when needed and creates a great visual for keeping your kiddo on track!
Get it here: Choiceworks
Enjoy these apps this week!
With Love,